All your questions answered here. If we have missed any, please tell us!

Why choose us?

Delve Into History has been providing history  workshops to primary schools since 2011. Over the years we have listened to the needs of teachers and recognised changes in both teaching methods and National Curriculum. We have received much positive feedback, which pushes us to strive to be even better.

How long are the workshops?

Workshops last approximately 2hrs. Morning sessions begin between 9.30am-10am and finish between 11.45am-12pm, depending on location and lunchtimes. We encourage classes to have their morning break.

Afternoon sessions begin after registration and finish at a time to allow teachers to prepare their class for home time.

We are very flexible and happy to discuss times prior to visiting.

Can we book for a full day?

Yes, you can. Some workshops are offered as half day or full day. These are Ancient Greeks, Romans and WW2. We offer two different half day Tudor workshops which can be combined for a full day experience. We also have a range of Victorian workshops and two can be combined to create a full day.

Are you able to visit two different age groups on the same day, delivering two different workshops?

Yes, we have done this many times over the years. We are happy to time travel from one  period of history to another on the same day!

What space is needed when you visit?

It depends what workshop you are booking. Most workshops are suited to the classroom as tables are required. However certain workshops require hall space. These are: The Great Fire of London, Florence Nightingale, Romans and Maya Civilization.

How many pupils per session does each workshop cater for?

Each workshop has been designed for a class at a time. We don’t want to lose the quality of the workshops by having many classes taking part at once.  We want every pupil to be involved and allow for the opportunity for questions and answers. We believe to achieve this properly, smaller numbers of pupils work best.

How do I book?

There are three ways to contact us.   

Fill out the enquiry form on our contact page.

Email us on delsbannister@gmail.com

Ring us on 01942 791563 or 07793892113

What happens once I have booked?

We will email you confirmation so that you can check that we have all the correct information. You can then sit back and look forward to our visit!

Do I have to pay a deposit?

No. We will always invoice the school on the day of our visit, unless asked to send an invoice prior to the day.

Are you insured and DBS checked?

Yes. We are insured and DBS checked.