Mary Seacole

Explore the life of Mary Seacole through artefact handling, costume and role-play.

During this 2hr workshop pupils will listen to the story of how  Mary Seacole came to  look after the sick and wounded during The Crimean War. Pupils will be immersed in role-play, meeting Mary, a wounded soldier, William Russell an even Florence Nightingale along the way.

Pupils will learn about the prejudices Mary Seacole was faced with and how she dealt with them.   

Pupils will take part in three activities:

  • Constucting a makeshift building, using resources around them.
  • Running The British Hotel near Balaclava.
  • Looking inside Mary Seacole’s medicine bag.


The workshop will focus on

  • What prejudices Mary Seacole faced during her lifetime and how she coped with them.
  • Why Mary Seacole decided to become a ‘doctoress.’
  • How Mary Seacole helped to care for soldiers wounded during The Crimean War
  • How Mary Seacole set up The British Hotel to help fund her work.

Mary Seacole is offered a half day workshop. For a full day experience, this can be booked with our Florence Nightingale workshop, allowing pupils to compare the two women, and their roles in The Crimean War.



“A super informative workshop. Children were engaged during the story telling and got fully involved in the varied activities.”    

Sarah McEvoy  Merchant Taylor’s School  Crosby

  “Very informative, practiacl and age appropriate. The children enjoyed the role-play and the varied activities were engaging and fun!”

Lydia Cunningham  Merchant Taylor’s School  Crosby