Investigate artefacts and costume to learn about life in Viking times. Play a Viking game.
This 2hr session will begin with the handling and discussion of artefacts. Through being a ‘history detective’ pupils will gain an understanding of everyday Viking life.
A boy and a girl will be selected to wear costume, so that the class can learn about how clothes were resourced, who made them and how they were dyed.
The workshop will finish with a Viking game. Who can be the loudest Viking?
Full Day option
Pupils will cover everything offered in the 2hr workshop but also have the opportunity to sketch artefacts, paying particular attention to pattern in Viking jewellery. Pupils will look at the Viking social hierachy and play additional games.
The workshop will focus on
- How looking at costume can teach us about what Vikings used to make and dye clothes
- The different roles each member of a family had
- Games that people played
- How looking at artefacts can teach us about everyday Viking life
Offering half day and full day workshops. For a different full day experience, Vikings can be combined with our Anglo-Saxons workshop. Pupils will compare both sets of invaders and look at differences and similarities.
“Willow class had an amazing experience with Del! The booking procedure was extremely efficient and a suitable date was soon arranged and booked in the diary.The children explored the everyday lives of Vikings and gained lots of important knowledge. The activities really got the children thinking like historians, analysing and exploring artefacts. We all had a fantastic time and thoroughly recommend ‘Delve into History’ workshops. We will be booking for spring term next year!
Claire Armstrong Y5/6 teacher St Michael’s On Wyre CE Primary School and Nursery Preston
Del provided an exciting morning examining artefacts, which the children could handle. She addressed the common misconceptions about Vikings that got the children thinking about what Vikings were really like. Definitely good value for money. Thank you.
Sue Taylor St Peter and St Paul’s Primary School Bolton